Monday, October 17, 2016

Pizza From Start to Finish

This week we decided to make pizza from scratch for lunch.  We do a lot of baking around here!  You can learn so much from following a recipe - reading and following directions; measuring ingredients; life skills of cooking; chemical reactions (in this case yeast); making something look appetizing and appealing!

So we started with making the dough - measuring and kneading.

Then we rolled out the dough onto the cookie sheets.

After we baked the crust for a few minutes, we pulled it back out and put on the toppings.  Some of us are allergic to cheese so I didn't even think to look if we had any before we started making our pizza!  So we made our pizza cheeseless!

But we had wonderful toppings such as mushrooms, bell peppers, olives, zucchini, and sauce.  

After baking it was time to enjoy our pizza lunch!